Monday, September 10, 2012

Are There Tourist Opportunites?

There are many wetlands that are available for tourists all around the world. Wetlands are home to thousands of species of animals and plants, so they are great site-seeing locations. Some popular wetlands for tourists are: the Camargue in the southeast of France which is one of the best places in Europe for bird watching, Wasur National Park in the Indonesian that has incredible biodiversity with a large number of rare animals and birds, and iSimangaliso Wetland Park in South Africa which is well known for its extensive wetlands, sand dunes, beaches and coral reefs and animals such as elephants, leopard, rhino, whales, dolphins, and marine turtles. A few more wetlands for tourists are: the Kakadu Wetlands in Australia, the Kerala backwaters in India, the Everglades in Flordia, and the Pantanal in Brazil.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

What Is The Food Chain Like?

There are thousands of species of plants and animals that live in wetlands creating a very diverse food chain. Located all around the world, it has great conditions for reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and insects. Some examples are: 

Animals:Turtles (Reptiles), Water Bugs (Insects), Herons (Birds), and Bass (Fish), Frogs (Amphibians)

Plants: Cattails, Lilies, and Maple Trees

Abiotic Features:Water, Soil, and Sunlight

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What Is The Climate Like?

Temperature: This largely depends on the location. Many wetlands are in temperate zones where summers are warm and winters are cold, but temperatures are not extreme. However, wetlands in the tropical areas are warm year round, sometimes reaching 122°F.

Precipitation ranges & types: The amount of rainfall a wetland receives depends upon its location also. Wetlands in Wales, Scotland, and western Ireland receive about 59 inches a year. Those in Southeast Asia, where heavy rains occur, can receive up to 200 inches. In the northern areas of North America, wetlands exist where as little as 6 inches of rain fall each year.

Does it have seasons?: Some wetlands have seasons where it starts to rain more in the fall and they are flooded in the winter. In the spring, plants begin to bloom and wetlands look more green, but in the summer, wetlands dry out and the land begins to look more brown.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Where Are They Located

Wetlands are in every continent, except Antarctica, country, and state. They are all around the world. Some of the largest and most popular wetlands are the Florida Everglades, Amazon River Basin, West Siberian Plain, Okefenokee Swamp, and the Pantanal.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What Are Wetlands?

Wetlands are areas that are filled or soaked with water at least part of the year. This ecosystem is a link between land and water. Some different types of wetlands are swamps, which have shallow trees and shrubs, and marshes, which have non-woody plants and long grasses.